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Issa Amara
Issa Emhemmed Alemyani Amara

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Teaching in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Human Medicine, University of Zintan, began in the academic year 2015/2016. The department is considered one of the core departments within the college, with biochemistry being taught during the first two academic years. Students must successfully complete these courses to advance to the next stage of their studies.

Biochemistry, sometimes referred to as the chemistry of life, is the study of the chemical components and processes that occur within living organisms and the changes that occur throughout development and life. This field combines biology and chemistry, focusing on understanding how living molecules perform the chemical processes that take place within or between cells. These processes are relevant to the study of tissues and organs in terms of structure and function. The department aims to equip students with the fundamental knowledge of biochemistry necessary for their successful completion of medical studies.


The department was established alongside the founding of the college in the academic year 2015-2016 under the name Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. It is one of the academic departments within the Faculty of Human Medicine at Zintan, responsible for teaching biochemistry to first- and second-year students in the basic stage of their medical education.


The Department of Biochemistry aims to become a center of excellence at the University of Zintan and on regional and international levels. It seeks to achieve this by delivering high-quality education in biochemistry and molecular biology, conducting scientific research, and providing public service, all of which are nationally and internationally recognized.


In alignment with the mission of the Faculty of Human Medicine at the University of Zintan, the Department of Biochemistry is committed to providing outstanding education in biochemistry to medical students. It also aims to encourage and ensure the production of high-quality scientific research with an esteemed international reputation, and to graduate competent physicians equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to meet Libya’s needs for high-level medical care.


  • Ability to distinguish between different types of chemical bonds, functional groups, and aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.
  • Understanding the interaction of biomolecules with water.
  • Familiarity with pH, physiological buffers, and disturbances in blood pH (alkalosis and acidosis).
  • Knowledge of the structure and physical properties of the fundamental components of proteins, carbohydrates, nucleotides, and nucleic acids.
  • Awareness of the terms nucleosides and nucleotides.
  • Understanding the chemistry of lipids and their physiological importance.
  • Understanding how enzymes accelerate biochemical reactions, the role of coenzymes, and cofactors.
  • Understanding the components of the electron transport chain, their locations, functions, energy levels, oxidation-reduction processes, and inhibitors.
  • Understanding the biological significance of digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, purines, and pyrimidines, and explaining the processes of metabolism and regulation.
  • Discussing the integration and regulation of major metabolic pathways and their role in genetic expression.
  • Knowledge of gene expression regulation and recombinant DNA technology.
  • Understanding the clinical application of enzymes in diagnostics, disease diagnosis, their use as reagents, and therapeutic agents.
  • Describing the metabolism of heme and related disorders.